

Una delegazione dell’I.C. “G. Pascoli-Forgione” di San Giovanni Rotondo costituita dalla coordinatrice del progetto, prof.ssa Anna Maria Scrimieri, dalla docente di Lettere prof.ssa Anna loreta Savino e da 5 studenti, selezionati  tra le Classi 3^ della Scuola Secondaria, si è recata a Bolton in Inghilterra per la sesta mobilità del progetto Erasmus plus "THE VOICES OF THE EARTH – V.O.T.E." (2020-1-UK01-KA229-079003_5).    

La scuola ospitante "Bolton School”, coordinatrice del progetto,  ha organizzato quattro giornate di intense attività che hanno visto coinvolti i docenti e gli studenti dei sei paesi partner (Regno Unito, Italia, Turchia, Grecia, Bulgaria, Spagna).
La prima giornata si é aperta con l'accoglienza da parte dei partner inglesi e le numerose attività organizzate sia all'interno che all'esterno della scuola. ù
Le attività "rompi-ghiaccio" hanno contribuito a far socializzare alunni e docenti dei paesi partner e le attività ludiche hanno sicuramente portato gli studenti a confrontarsi con i pari e ad utilizzare la Lingua Inglese come strumento di comunicazione. 
La presentazione delle scuole partner da parte di ogni delegazione ha fatto conoscere le diverse realtà scolastiche all'intera comunità e la realizzazione dei workshop sulla sostenibilità ambientale ha favorito lo scambio di conoscenze sulla tematica principale del progetto, vale a dire la protezione dell'ambiente.

La seconda giornata é stata dedicata alla visita del Beamish Museum, il primo museo regionale all'aperto, in Inghilterra, situato a Beamish, vicino alla città di Stanley, nella contea di Durham. 
Beamish ha aperto la strada al concetto di museo vivente, mostrando duplicati o oggetti sostituibili, è stato anche un primo esempio della pratica ormai comune dei musei che consente ai visitatori di toccare oggetti. Il principio guida del museo è preservare un esempio di vita quotidiana nell'Inghilterra nord-orientale urbana e rurale al culmine dell'industrializzazione all'inizio del XX secolo. Gran parte del restauro e dell'interpretazione è specifico delle epoche tardo vittoriana ed edoardiana, insieme a porzioni di campagna sotto l'influenza della rivoluzione industriale dal 1825. Tale visita ha rappresentato per gli studenti una lezione outdoor di Storia ed ha dato loro la possibilità di vivere realmente l'atmosfera e la vita di un tempo nel rispetto del paesaggio naturale e dell'ambiente.

Nella terza giornata l'attività outdoor alla scoperta del patrimonio culturale Inglese si é svolta presso il Lake District, il più grande parco nazionale d'Inghilterra e patrimonio mondiale dell'UNESCO. Paesaggi spettacolari, villaggi pittoreschi e un ricco patrimonio culturale caratterizzano l'intero territorio. 
Le delegazioni hanno esplorato la bellezza di paesaggi mozzafiato ed una natura incontaminata, che rispetta appieno uno degli obiettivi fondamentali, vale a dire, quello di proteggere il paesaggio limitando i cambiamenti indesiderati da parte dell'industria o del commercio.

L'ultima giornata si é svolta interamente presso la Bolton School, dove gli studenti inglesi hanno messo in scena delle piccole rappresentazioni teatrali quali "
The Lost Crown"  e " The promise" e cantato numerosi canti che hanno coinvolto tutti i partner. 
Al termine delle esibizioni sono stati consegnati gli Attestati di Partecipazione a docenti e alunni.


Before the trip I was very excited. It was my first time on the plane and the first time I went abroad so I was a  little bit afraid but ready to live that dream. I was also happy to know new people , speak English with children of other countries and to visit wonderful places.

It was really beautiful learning about lifestyle of English people, their food and the visit at the Beamish Museum let us know how they lived in the past. Also this incredible experience has been a symbol of responsibility and personal growth because we have experienced what living in one house together means, doing all by ourselves.

Then we learned new words and expressions in English because we listened to people speaking  English all day and we had the possibility to have conversations with them during the activities.

The trip made me feel better and I really enjoyed it because I lived a different experience and this let me think about the importance of enjoying the moment.

I’m grateful to the people who gave me this incredible opportunity and I was so happy to spent those days with amazing people. I will keep these beautiful memories in my heart.

Enjoy my small collection of pictures of the 5 days in UK


Thanks to the Erasmus project of the I.C. “Pascoli-Forgione", the experience I made in the United Kingdom was fantastic. I visited new cities like Manchester and Penrith. I met new friends and faced a different reality. We visited the English school, the Beamish Museum, the Lake District and then a spectacular swimming pool.

I was able to directly experience everything that I studied in books for many years and I also won the fear of communicating in English.

Before the trip I was scared because I had never taken a plane, because I was afraid of leaving home and not being able to communicate in English. Thanks to this trip I learned many things like speaking the English language better, meeting new friends, new places, new customs and tasting new foods. I learned by experimenting with all the activities they offered us in the schools we visited. I met with the kids and the teachers and put into practice what I learned during these three years at school. Then I learned many things thanks to my teachers and the kids from other states I met.

This trip was one of the best experiences of my life because I was able to overcome all my fears. It made me feel more responsible, safer and I will never stop thanking my teachers Mrs Scrimieri and Mrs Savino and my school for giving me this opportunity to make this fantastic life journey.

Thanks to the Erasmus project of the I.C. “Pascoli-Forgione", the experience I made in the United Kingdom was fantastic. I visited new cities like Manchester and Penrith. I met new friends and faced a different reality. We visited the English school, the Beamish Museum, the Lake District and then a spectacular swimming pool.

I was able to directly experience everything that I studied in books for many years and I also won the fear of communicating in English.

Before the trip I was scared because I had never taken a plane, because I was afraid of leaving home and not being able to communicate in English. Thanks to this trip I learned many things like speaking the English language better, meeting new friends, new places, new customs and tasting new foods. I learned by experimenting with all the activities they offered us in the schools we visited. I met with the kids and the teachers and put into practice what I learned during these three years at school. Then I learned many things thanks to my teachers and the kids from other states I met.

This trip was one of the best experiences of my life because I was able to overcome all my fears. It made me feel more responsible, safer and I will never stop thanking my teachers Mrs Scrimieri and Mrs Savino and my school for giving me this opportunity to make this fantastic life journey.


In April I was very happy to participate in the "Erasmus" project and to have this new experience that I have never had. I was very anxious before the trip, in fact I didn't sleep much at night. 

I was very worried about flying because I had never flown before and it was a new experience for me. I was also worried because I didn't know if I should be able to understand and respond well in English and my anxiety was mainly due to leaving my home even if for a short time. 

As soon as I arrived in England I realized that the plane was not scary and the friends I was with were exceptional. I learned a lot more in one week than when you learn by studying books. I learned to be more autonomous and stay afr away from my parents. Sometimes in the evening we helped the teachers dry the dishes. The breakfast was very good but we bought Nutella on the penultimate day and left it at Manchester airport. 

I really enjoyed being with people I didn't know at the beginning but in the end we turned out to be excellent travel mates with whom I shared all the educational and joyful moments. 

In a shop I was allowed to play the piano always receiving some applause from my friends. I also met the students from Bolton who went to school with tablets and not with very heavy backpacks full of books. We enjoyed playing cricket with them. 

I was also pleasantly fascinated by the places we visited such as the lake, the 19th century open-air museum, Manchester, a huge and very beautiful city. It was a pity I couldn't visit the stadium where the two football teams, City and United, play but luckily I bought a Liverpool shirt as a gift for my brother. 

Even the teachers were  all the time with us, following us and helping us throughout the journey. 

I personally went from the anxiety of the beginning to the nostalgia of those days. I am now aware that this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience and that I was lucky to have been chosen. 

Thanks to Mrs Scrimieri and Mrs Savino, and my fellow travellers, Giulio, Raffele, Letizia, Maria Chiara. 

It was Wonderful.


Before the trip I was so excited for the new experience and I didn’t know what it would be like.

During the trip I learned a lot of things like the history of UK, habits and traditions, I developed my English and learn somethings of other countries.

I learned by listening, watching and speaking with other people.

I learned from the guides and from the teachers but in particular, from the kids who welcomed us and they sent  us important things through the sincerity of their words.

During the trip I felt free and happy, like at home, with my friends and in beautiful  places. I didn’t want it to end.



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